Face to Face is an adaptation of The Walk to Emmaus, specifically crafted to meet the needs and life-stages of older adults. The program seeks to invite men and women, ages 60 and older, to experience Jesus through a multi-session journey, covering subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief, and end-of-life issues. The highly flexible schedule allows participants the freedom to engage in structured Bible study and prayer in a church setting or other community space. Led by clergy and lay leaders, Face to Face strengthens and renews followers of Christ and bolsters the spiritual life of individuals, families, and congregations everywhere. Face to Face is open to members of any Christian denomination who want to strengthen their spiritual lives, discover answers to their questions about faith, and are open to understanding the responsibility of living a Christian lifestyle.
Face to Face allows the opportunity to rediscover Christ’s presence in your life, to gain fresh understanding of God’s transforming grace, and to form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity.
If you desire a deeper, more meaningful walk with the risen Christ; if you would like that relationship to be reflected in every other relationship in your life; if you wish to make a deeper impact on the world around you by living a life centered on Jesus Christ; then join us as we encounter the Risen Christ… Face to Face.
North Georgia Emmaus Community… Support future Face to Face Encounters
Many of the same activities that occur during a Walk to Emmaus also occur during an Encounter and community support is essential for it to be successful.
Interested in serving on a future Face to Face Encounter? If you are available on weekdays to attend team meetings and an Encounter then please let us know so that we can put you on the list of potential servants! Send an email to either or indicating your interest.
Our community newsletter, “The Loveletter”, and additional emails to the community will outline additional ways that you can assist in helping to make the Face to Face Encounters a success.
We seek your prayers for the ongoing success of this new Upper Room program, for the Lay Directors and teams to come, the pilgrims that will come, and the Face to Face committee as they seek God’s will for this community and the Face to Face program.
For more information about Face to Face,